Cardiff Times Aug.11. 1888.
Aberavon Camp
SERIOUS ACCIDENT AT ABER- AVON CAMP. On Monday a serious accident befel one of the Volunteers encamped on Aberavon Moors. His name is Frank Briukworth, a private in the Neath Detachment. On the morning in question he was seated on the water barrel, used for conveying water to the camp, and which is fixed on wheels. The horse shied, and Brinkworth fell between the barrel and one of the wheels. He was carried a considerable distance in this position before the horse was stopped. Dr J. Arnallt Jones, the camp surgeon, found the man suffering from concussion of tbe brain. He received every attention at tbe hands of the suigeon, and after some time recovered consciousness. He is now doing as well as can be expected, but is not yet out of danger.
Cardiff Times Aug.11. 1888.
Camp at Aberavon. The 2nd Volunteer Battalion Welsh Regiment, to the number of about 300, went under canvas at Aberavon Moors on Saturday evening. Th8 following are the officers present;—Majors J. Jones (commanding offic»r), T. Joseph W. V. Trick, T. Gray, T. Powell; Rsv J. P. Hugbe», Liantrisant (senior chaplain) Captain and Adjutant E. E. Foley; Captains Green aud Davies; Lieutenants Taylor, R. C. Jenkins, Boucher, and Cox; Quartermaster J. B. Davies Assistant-Surgeon Dr J. Arnallt Jones. The first night in camp waS a most uncomfortable one, the weather being wet, and the wind on Sunday mornilJlt blowing a regular gale. About nine o'cloak the morning in question the canteen came do** with a crash, and a similar fate befel one of t''e sergeants' mess tents. There was a church par»^a at St. Mary's Church at 11.0 a.m., when .aU appropriate sermon was preached by the senior chaplain, the Rev. J. P. Hughes, vicar 0 Llantrissant. The battalion band, under the leadership of Mr T. H. Burgess, played to and from church, and also rendered some selections of music on the camping ground during the day. A great number^ of persons visited the camp on Sunday, 'ihe catering for the camp has been encrusted to Mr Trick, of Neath. Work will commeuce 10 earnest this (Monday) morning. There will b0 an adjutant's drill at 6.30 a.m., and command' iog officer's parade at 10.30 a.m. and 2.30 p."1' each day. The annual inspection takes piaue 011 Friday.