John Sutton of Carmarthen,who was the father of the three Sutton brothers who came to Port Talbot was a part owner of the ship "Fame " of Carmarthen in 1826 and his son Charles Sutton sailed on her.
Thomas Sutton of Margam married Catherine Edward also of Margam,at Margam Abbey Church 7.March.1819.
A copy of the register entry could be got free from West Glam Archives Swansea.
Thomas and Catherine first lived, after their marriage at Duffryn Uchaf, with a Thomas family who had inheritated the farm from Lewis and Catherine Edward Catherine Edward`s parents.
It was here that their first born son Thomas Sutton Jnr. was born in 1820,but by 1822 they had move the short distance down to the village of Taibach where a further nine children were born.
Thomas Thomas a son from Duffryn Uchaf farm, where Thomas Sutton had been a lodger in 1820, had became the post master at the Taibach Office.
And so it is no suprise to find that Thomas Sutton became the Innkeeper at the next door Somersetshire Inn,as we see in the below -
1841.Taibach [no address given, but I can see that it is near Somerset House]
Thomas Sutton 45 abt 1796 Male grocer. not born in Glam
Catherine Sutton 50 abt 1791 Female Glamorgan Wales
Thomas Sutton 20 abt 1821 Male Seaman. Glamorgan Wales
Catherine Sutton 15 abt 1826 Female Glamorgan Wale
Ann Sutton 15 abt 1826 Female Glamorgan Wales
Mary Sutton 14 abt 1827 Female Glamorgan Wales
Lewis Sutton 12 abt 1829 Male Glamorgan Wales
Jenkin Sutton 8 abt 1833 Male Glamorgan Wales
1851.Somersetshire House Taibach.
Thomas Sutton Head 55 abt 1796 Male Innkeeper. Carmarthen, Carmarthenshire, Wales
Catherine Sutton Wife 61 abt 1790 Female CrossWen, Glamorgan, Wales
Thomas Sutton Son 31 abt 1820 Male Daffyin, Glamorgan, Wales
Catherine Rees Daughter 28 m abt 1823 Female mariners wife Taibach, Glamorgan, Wales
Mary Sutton Daughter 23 abt 1828 Female Taibach, Glamorgan, Wales
Jertheri E Sutton Son 17 abt 1834 Male Taibach, Glamorgan, Wales
Charles Jones Visitor 25 abt 1826 Male Carmarthen, Carmarthenshire, Wales
Ann Rees Servant 31 abt 1820 Female Llandelo, Carmarthenshire, Wales
Margaret Thomas Servant 20 abt 1831 Female Cadoxton, Glamorgan, Wales
Sarah Daniel Servant 23 abt 1828 Female Llanon, Carmarthenshire, Wales
Mary Jones Visitor 68 abt 1783 Female Morritton, Glamorgan, Wales
William Douse Visitor 34 abt 1817 Male drainer. Kevil, Wiltshire, England
Nicholas Paul Servant 19 abt 1832 Male North Milton, Devon, England
[ note wife Catherine Sutton said born CrossWen.]
MI.B20.Margam.Chest Tomb.
Sacred to the memory of Thomas Sutton
who was born in Carmarthen 3rd.May.1795
and died at TaibachSept.1855
Also of Catherine Lewis his wife [ seem error here Lewis should read Edwards]
who was born at Duffrin Jan.17.1788
and died 29.March.1853
Also of Jenkin Edward their son
who was born May.1833
and died 23.August 1862
Also of Thomas Sutton son of
Catherine and Thomas Sutton
died 18.Sept.1892.aged 73 years.
Margam burial index shows
Thomas Sutton buried 4.Sept.1855 aged 60. Taibach.
Catherine Sutton buried 26.March.1853 aged 63 Taibach.
Jenkin Edwards Sutton buried 27.Aug.1862 aged 29.Taibach.
Thomas Sutton letter carrier buried 20.Sept.1892 aged 73 Maes Y Cwrt Taibach
[ this entry is star against it indecateing that there is a note in the register ]
MI.B21. Margam. Chest Tomb.
To the memory of Lewis son of
Thomas and Catherine L.Sutton of Taibach
died 14.Feb.1824 aged 3 years
and of Anne their daughter
died 30.Aug.1825 aged 15 years
Also of their infant son 3.Apr.1830
Also of Catherine Rees
daughter of Thomas and Catherine Sutton
died 30.June 1907 aged 84 years
Also of Elizabeth their daughter
died 9.Aug.1837 aged 7 years
Also of John their son
who was accidentally drowned at Bristol
29.April 1845 while serving as mate
of the Breeze of Brixham aged 22 years
and is interred beneath this tomb
Also their sonn Lewis Philip their son
who died 14.Feb.1865 aged36 years.
Margam burial index shows
Lewis Sutton buried 17.Feb 1824 aged 2 years.
Ann Sutton buried 1,Aug.1825 aged 3 weeks Taibach
Elizabeth Sutton buried 21.Aug.1837 aged 6 years Taibach.
John Sutton buried 12.May.1845 aged 21 Taibach.
Lewis Sutton buried 17.Feb.1865 aged 35 Taibach
[ INDEX only goes up to 1900 so look in register at Swansea records
to find daughter Catherine Rees ]
Thomas Sutton b.1819.
He was a letter carrier, see death register for added info there.
1841 with father as a sailor
1851 At Somerset Inn with father no trade given
1861. At Somerset Inn with brother no trade given
1881.32.Clark St. Bristol.
Catherine Rees hd. m. Margam
Thomas Sutton brother u/m.61. g/lab Margam
Thomas S.Johns nephew u/m.24. blacksmith Margam
Morgan Johns nephew u/m.22 engine fitter Margam
Leaker S. Johns nephew u/m.18.engine fitter Margam
Lewis S.Johns nephew 10 scholar Neath
William Mainwaring hd.m.51. mining engineer Neath
Catherine S. Mainwaring wife 31. Margam
Herbert R.Mainwaring son 1. Glos.
Gweny Rees sevt,u/m.18. Margam.
Catherine Sutton b.1822.
Marriages Jun 1844
REES John Neath 26 727
Sutton Catharine Neath 26 727
1881.32.Clark St. Bristol.
Catherine Rees hd. m. Margam
Thomas Sutton brother u/m.61. g/lab Margam
Thomas S.Johns nephew u/m.24. blacksmith Margam
Morgan Johns nephew u/m.22 engine fitter Margam
Leaker S. Johns nephew u/m.18.engine fitter Margam
Lewis S.Johns nephew 10 scholar Neath
William Mainwaring hd.m.51. mining engineer Neath
Catherine S. Mainwaring wife 31. Margam
Herbert R.Mainwaring son 1. Glos.
Gweny Rees sevt,u/m.18. Margam.
Lewis Philip Sutton b.1829.
1841 aged 12 with his father at
1841.Taibach [no address given, but I can see that it is near Somerset House]
At sea 1851-56.
His sea record
SUTTON Lewis P. Taibach 1829 47430 14/02/65 90927 M51 GLA 124/9&10
P.= Phillip. C/352-96/1851-4. C/133-96/1855. C/Emma of Swansea/1856. Died on 14 February 1865.
Marriages Jun 1853
Sutton Lewis Philip Bedminster 5c 133[85]
From Slaters Commercial Directory, 1858-1859.
Castle (spirit vaults), Lewis P. Sutton, High st
1861.Castle Inn. Gin House.[ listed inbetween Cwmavan Rd. and Butter St. ]
Lewis P Sutton 32 abt 1829 Head Male Aberavon Glamorgan Wales
Eliza E Sutton 28 abt 1833 Wife Female Bristol
Thomas L Sutton 7 abt 1854 Son Male Aberavon Glamorgan Wales
John M Sutton 3 abt 1858 Son Male Aberavon Glamorgan Wales
Sarah Ann Jenkins 21 abt 1840 Servant Female Margam Glamorgan Wales
Deaths Mar 1865
SUTTON Lewis Neath 11a 426
No MI Found?
1871.Jersey Marine Hotel.Cadoxton.
Eliza Sutton Head 34 abt 1837 Female. House keeper Bristol Somerset England
Eliza Evans Servant 22 abt 1849 Female cook Neath Glamorganshire Wales
Ann Jones Servant 18 abt 1853 Female Mumbles Glamorganshire Wales
Charles Prees.29 abt 1842 Male. Gas man Cadoxton Glamorganshire Wales
SUTTON Lewis P. Taibach 1829 47430 14/02/65 90927 M51 GLA 124/9&10
P.= Phillip. C/352-96/1851-4. C/133-96/1855. C/Emma of Swansea/1856. Died on 14 February 1865.
Jenkin Edward Sutton b.1833.
Somersetshire House, Jenkin E. Sutton, Taibach
1861.Somerseshire. House.Taibach
Jenkin E Sutton 27 abt 1834 Head u/m Innkeeper Male Margam Glamorgan Wales
Catherine Rees 39 abt 1822 Sister M. Female Margam Glamorgan Wales
Thomas Sutton 47 abt 1814 Brother Male u/m. Margam Glamorgan Wales
Mary A Jones 29 abt 1832 Niece Female u/m Carmarthenshire Wales
Mary Rees 20 abt 1841 Servant Female Llangonoyd Glamorgan Wales
Ann Street 28 abt 1833 Servant Female Margam Glamorgan Wales
Catherine James 20 abt 1841 Servant Female Llangonoyd Glamorgan Wales
William Brown 33 abt 1828 Son Male. mariner Truro Cornwall England
Ann Harries 55 abt 1806 Lodger Female Lodger. Llanelly Carmarthenshire Wales
Somersetshire House, Jenkin E. Sutton, Taibach
1861.Somerseshire. House.Taibach
Jenkin ESutton27abt 1834Head u/m InnkeeperMaleMargamGlamorganWales
Catherine Rees39abt 1822Sister M.FemaleMargamGlamorganWales
ThomasSutton47abt 1814BrotherMale u/m.MargamGlamorganWales
Mary AJones29abt 1832NieceFemaleu/mCarmarthenshireWales
MaryRees20abt 1841ServantFemaleLlangonoydGlamorganWales
AnnStreet28abt 1833ServantFemaleMargamGlamorganWales
CatherineJames20abt 1841ServantFemaleLlangonoydGlamorganWales
WilliamBrown33abt 1828SonMale. marinerTruroCornwallEngland
AnnHarries55abt 1806LodgerFemale Lodger.LlanellyCarmarthenshireWales