In the Aberavon 1891.Census. It lists all at Port Talbot Docks, including Wharf House, then it moves on to the 4 dwellings at Burgess Green Row. Where it ends- and so no one lived down on the Aberavon Sea Front in April 1891.
The Bandstand at Aberavon Beach.
Notice it said on the Sea beach,because it was erected in 1891,it was positioned on the sands directly below the end of the first section of our promenade. The north pier constructed in 1893 by The Port Talbot Railway and Docks Company,was then also used by the public as promenade with railings and seats by 1900.In 1901 the council sold the bandstand to Mr.John Mathews for £5.As it was due to be moved to make way for the new promenade,which was completed and officially opened on the 23.May 1902.
The bandstand is only shown on the
1901.Refreshment Rooms Aberavon Beach.
Jno Mathews Head 36.stone mason. abt 1865 Male Dinas Powis Glamorgan Wales
Emma Mathews Wife 36 abt 1865 Female Cwmavon Glamorgan Wales
Harrie E Mathews Daughter 13 abt 1888 Female Aberavon Glamorgan Wales
Sidney E Mathews Son 11 abt 1890 Male Aberavon Glamorgan Wales
Rosa M Mathews Daughter 9 abt 1892 Female Aberavon Glamorgan Wales
Jno H Mathews Son 5 abt 1896 Male Aberavon Glamorgan Wales
Thos G Mathews Son 3 abt 1898 Male Aberavon Glamorgan Wales
[ this John Mathews was at Croft trc.Aberavon in 1891.]
From the 1901 Census we gain a great deal of new information,we see that the that Jubilee Rd,has been renamed Victoria road,and at number 1 Victoria Road was living one Walter Lester a 38 year old gas engineer a Yorkshire man.
The next building listed in 1901 was the Aberavon Beach Hotel,where we find Carl Rosenkranz as the hotel manager born Germany in 1873.
Nearby were two other buildings,one being listed as Refreshment Rooms with no persons mentioned.
And then Ref.Rooms.Beach with Jno Mathews a 36 year old stone mason and his family.
By 1911,houses had been built along Victoria Road as far down towards the beach as far as todays Ruskin Avenue junction.
The first named property being The Vivian Hotel where Albert Edward Arthur Clark was the hotel manager.
Across the other side of the road Number 2.Victoria Road. was Arthur J Bond a Gas Engineer.
Most of the homeowners living in the private houses in the street were associated with the docks in some way.
Number 47 Victoria Road at the junction with Hospital Road we find The Rhondda Restaurant occupied by David Jenkins a coal miner,his wife and daughter must have been looking after the restaurant,and his 16 year old son was a brick maker.
No more named houses until we get right down to the sea front where on the promenade side we find The Jersey Beach Hotel with 18 rooms where the hotel manager was Frank Henry Miller with his wife Alice as Manageress,they had one servant girl.
On the other side of the road opposite we see listed Alexandra Restaurant with George Friend a restaurant keeper.
Near Aberavon Beach 1939.
Victoria Rd.
Beach Restruant.
Edith E.Jones. born. 24.Nov.1901.
Graham W.Jones. S. born.2.Feb.1936. at school.
Arthur Ll.Jones S. born. 29.Jul,1921. seaman. ss Gullpool.
Harriet Goodyear. born. 7.Mar. 1882.
William Goodyear. born. 26.Jun.1878. Gen/lab.
Rudolph G.Donovan born. 1890. watcher. HMCFE.
Lilian Donovan born. 1900.
Jersey Beach Hotel.
Sidney G.Richards b. 18.Oct.1891. Hotel Manager.
Fixed Caravan.
George Miles born. 1855. saw dust salesman and Showman.
Esplanade Beach.
Elizabeth Zabettis. born.1880.
Gwyn Zabettis born 11.Apr. 1919. steel worker. [ later a buyer P.T.Council Bevan Ave,]
Alexander Beach/S.
Saitori Geovanni born.1898 male.
Saitori Geovanni born.1897 female
Bonasserl A.Grovanna born.1878. male.
Bertongini Angelina born. 1908. shop asst.